Mehmet has broad experience in diverse areas including various academic disciplines
and different cultures. He has lived in the USA, China, and Turkey, and had experience
in academic and technical areas including public administration, politics, legal affairs,
project management, database management, database design.
Teaching Interests: Principles of Management, Strategic Management
Research Interests: Strategic management, Leadership, Institutional Theory, Sustainable
James Reddoch Graduate Student Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2023, Louisiana State
Friedhelm Goronzy Endowed Superior Graduate Student Scholarship, 2023, Louisiana State
Summa Cum Laude, Celal Bayar University, 2015
Yetim, M. A., & Gur, F. A. (2023).When they are more than just employees: Environmentally
conscious decision-making in employee-owned organizations. Business Strategy and the
Yetim, M.A. & Gur, F.A. (August 2023) Environmentally Conscious Decision-Making in
Employee-Owned Ventures, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts
Yetim, M.A. & Gur, F.A. (June 2023), Sustainability Focus in Employee-Owned Ventures,
Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee
Yetim, M & Gur, FA. (October 2022). My Firm and My World: Employee Owned Organizations
and their Environmentally Conscious Strategies. Presented at Southern Management Association
Annual Conference, Little Rock, AR.