Management Research

The mission of the Rucks Department of Management is to create and disseminate knowledge about how managers and organizations leverage resources—especially human resources—to achieve organizational goals, such as efficiency, effectiveness, and profitability. In pursuing this mission, we seek to build excellence through scholarly accomplishment, innovative instruction, and outstanding service to our students, profession, and the external constituencies we serve. Our faculty develop ground-breaking theories in management and bring their scholarly expertise to the classroom and beyond.


Our Areas of Research

Corporate governance


Gender and diversity

Innovation management


Human resource management

Organizational behavior

Organization theory

Personality and individual differences

Research methods

Strategic management

Work groups and teams



Select Faculty Publications

Kubilay Cirik

Cirik, K. and Makadok, R. (2021). First-Mover Advantages Versus First-Mover Benefits: What's the Difference and Why Does It Matter?. Academy of Management Review.

Shi, W., Connelly, B., and Cirik, K. (2018). Short Seller Influence on Firm Growth: A Threat-Rigidity Perspective. Academy of Management Journal, 61(5), 1892-1919.

Thomas Greckhamer

Cilesiz, S. and Greckhamer, T. (2020). Methodological socialization and identity in doctoral education: A bricolage study of pathways toward qualitative research. Organizational Research Methods, Online First.

Gupta, K., Crilly, D., and Greckhamer, T. (2020). Stakeholder Engagement Strategies, National Institutions, and Firm Performance: A Configurational Perspective. Strategic Management Journal, 41, 1869-1900.

Greckhamer, T. and Cilesiz, S. (2020). The extension of strategic management discourse into public education administration: A critical analysis. Organization, Online First.

Cilesiz, S. and Greckhamer, T. (2020). Qualitative Comparative Analysis in education research: Its current status and future potential. Review of Research in Education, 44, 332-369.

Furnari, S., Crilly, D., Misangyi, V., Greckhamer, T., Fiss, P., and Aguilera, R. (2020). Capturing causal complexity: Heuristics for configurational theorizing. Academy of Management Review, Online First.

Greckhamer, T. and Gur, F.. Disentangling combinations and contingencies of generic strategies: A set-theoretic configurational approach. Long Range Planning, 54(2), 1-18.

Gur, F. Amil and Greckhamer, T. (2019). 'Know thy enemy': A review and agenda for research on competitor identification. Journal of Management, 45(5), 2072-2100.

Greckhamer, T., Furnari, S., Fiss, P., and Aguilera, R. (2018). Studying configurations with qualitative comparative analysis: Best practices in strategy and organization research. Strategic Organization, 16(4), 482-495.

Misangyi, V., Greckhamer, T., Furnari, S., Fiss, P., Crilly, D., and Aguilera, R. (2017). Embracing Causal Complexity: The Emergence of a Neo-Configurational Perspective. Journal of Management, 43(1), 255-282.

Greckhamer, T. (2016). CEO compensation in relation to worker compensation across countries: The configurational impact of country-level institutions. Strategic Management Journal, 37, 793-815.

Greckhamer, T. and Cilesiz, S. (2014). Rigor, transparency, evidence, and representation in discourse analysis: Challenges and recommendations. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 13, 422-443.

Greckhamer, T., Misangyi, V., and Fiss, P. (2013). The two QCAs: From a Small-N to a Large-N Set-Theoretic Approach. 58, 51-77.

Greckhamer, T. (2012). Local meanings of global discourses: A structural approach to the comparative study of institutional meaning systems. Field Methods, 24(1), 28-55.

Greckhamer, T. (2011). Cross-cultural differences in compensation level and inequality across occupations. Organization Studies, 32(1), 85-115.

Greckhamer, T. (2010). The stretch of strategic management discourse: A critical analysis. Organization Studies, 31(7), 241-271.

Greckhamer, T., Koro-Ljungberg, M., Cilesiz, S., and Hayes, S. (2008). Demystifying interdisciplinary qualitative research. Qualitative Inquiry, 14(2), 307-331.

Greckhamer, T., Misangyi, V., Elms, H., and Lacey, R. (2008). Using Qualitative Comparative Analysis in Strategic Management Research: An examination of combinations of industry, corporate, and business-unit effects. Organizational Research Methods, 11(4), 695-726.

Misangyi, V. F, Elms, H., Greckhamer, T., and LePine, J. A (2006). A new perspective on a fundamental debate: A multi-level approach to industry, corporate, and business-unit effects. Strategic Management Journal, 27(6), 571-590.

Greckhamer, T. and Koro-Ljungberg, M. (2005). The erosion of a method: Examples from grounded theory. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 18(6), 729-750.

Koro-Ljungberg, M. and Greckhamer, T. (2005). Strategic turns labeled 'ethnography': From description to openly ideological production of cultures. Qualitative Research, 5(3), 285-306.

Tosi, H. L. and Greckhamer, T. (2004). Culture and CEO compensation. Organization Science, 15(6), 657-670.

Stephanie Case Henagan

Murphy, W. CM, Burton, J. P., Henagan, S., and Briscoe, J. P. (2013). Employees' reactions to job security in a declining economy: The mediating role of job embeddedness. Group and Organization Management, 38, 480-511.

Briscoe, J. P., Henagan, S., Burton, J. P., and Murphy, W. CM (2012). Coping with an insecure employment environment: The differing roles of protean and boundaryless career orientations. Journal Of Vocational Behavior, 80, 308-316.

Henagan, S. C. (2010). The perils of workplace recognition: Antecedents to discomfort associated with being the target of upward comparisons.. Basic And Applied Social Psychology, 32, 1-12.

McFadden, K. L., Henagan, S. C., and Gowen, III, C. R. (2009). The patient safety chain: Transformational leadership's effect on patient safety culture, initiatives, and outcomes. Journal of Operations Management, 27(5), 390-404.

Henagan, S. C. and Bedeian, A. G. (2009). The Perils of Success in the Workplace: Comparison Target Responses to Coworkers' Upward Comparison Threat. Journal Of Applied Social Psychology, 39, 2438-2468.

Gowen, III, C. R., Henagan, S. C., and McFadden, K. L. (2009). Knowledge management as a mediator for the efficacy of transformational leadership and quality management initiatives in U.S. healthcare. Health Care Management Review, 34(2), 129-140.

Mossholder, K. W., Settoon, R. P., and Henagan, S. C. (2005). A relational perspective on turnover: Examining structural, attitudinal, and behavioral predictors. Academy Of Management Journal, 48(4), 607-618.

Michael A. Johnson

Loignon, A., Johnson, M.A., Veestraeten, M., Boyd, T.L. (2024). A Tale of Two Offices: The Socioeconomic Environment’s Effect on Job Performance while Working from Home. Group & Organizational Management. 49, 183-214.

Johnson, M.A., Schminke, M., De Cremer, D., (2024). Do these jeans make me feel fat? Exploring subjective fatness, its workplace outcomes, and rethinking the role of subjectivity in the stigmatization process. Personnel Psychology, 77, 789-818.

Johnson, M.A. & Schminke, M., (2024). Proximally Fat? Extending Stigma by Association to Explore Why an Employee May be Impacted by Another Employee’s Obesity. Group & Organization Management. 

Loignon, A., Johnson, M.A., Veestraeten, M. (2024). A window into your status: Environment-based social class’s effect on virtual leadership. Leadership Quarterly. 35, 101735.

Letwin, C., Ciuchta, M., Johnson, M.A., Stevenson, R., Ford, C. (2024). Passion and attractiveness on display: an examination of gender bias in crowdfunding. Small Business Economics. 63, 165-192.

Johnson, M., Priesemuth, M., and Bigelow, B. (2021). Making sense of 'good' and 'bad': A deonance and fairness approach to abusive supervision and prosocial impact. Business Ethics Quarterly, 31(3), 386-420.

Johnson, M. and Leo, C. (2020). The Inefficacy of LinkedIn? A Latent Change Model and Experimental Test of Using LinkedIn for Job Search.. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(11), 1262-1280.

Johnson, M. and Schminke, M. (2020). Thinking big: An integrative conceptual review of the workplace consequences of obesity and a theoretical extension of the processes that create them. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(7), 671-692.

Hacker, J. V, Johnson, M., Saunders, C., and Thayer, A. L (2019). Trust in virtual teams: A multidisciplinary review and integration. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 23.

Johnson, M., Stevenson, R., and Letwin, C. (2018). A woman's place is in the startup: Exploring stereotype content and investor bias in crowdfunding.. Journal of Business Venturing, 33(6), 813-831.

Folger, R., Johnson, M., and Letwin, C. (2014). Evolving concepts of evolution: The case of shame and guilt. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 8, 659-671. 

Daniel S. Whitman

McLarty, B., Whitman, D. S., Kluemper, D, & Tao, S. (2022). An Identity and Reputation approach to the understanding of the Dark Triad in the workplace. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 43, 524-545.

Mathias. B., McCann, B., & Whitman, D.S. (2021). A meta-analysis of agglomeration and venture performance: Firm-level evidence. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 15, 430-453.

Carpenter, N., Whitman, D.S., & Amrhein, R. (2020). Unit-level counterproductive work behavior (CWB): A conceptual review and quantitative summary. Journal of Management, 47, 1498-1527.

Beus, J. and Whitman, D. S. (2017). Almighty dollar or root of all evil? Testing the effects of money on workplace behavior. Journal of Management, 43(7), 2147-2167.

Bernerth, J., Whitman, D. S., Walker, J., Taylor, S., and Mitchell, D. (2016). Actors Have Feelings Too: An Examination of Justice Climate Effects on the Psychological Well-Being of Organizational Authority Figures. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 89(4), 693-710.

McLarty, B. David and Whitman, D. S. () () (2016). A dispositional approach to applicant reactions: Examining core self-evaluations, behavioral intentions, and fairness perceptions. Journal of Business and Psychology, 31(1), 141-153.

Whitman, D. S., Kraus, E., and Van Rooy, D. (2014). Emotional intelligence among Black and White job applicants: Examining differences in test performance and test reactions. International Journal of Selection and Assessment.

Whitman, D. S., , K., , Y., , H., and , K. (2014). The Incremental Validity of Honesty-Humility over Cognitive Ability and the Big Five Personality Traits. Human Performance.

Beus, J. and Whitman, D. S. (2012). The relationship between typical and maximum performance: A meta-analytic examination. Human Performance, 25, 355-376.

Whitman, D. S., Caleo, S., Carpenter, N., Horner, M., and Bernerth, J. (2012). Fairness at the collective level: A meta-analytic examination of the consequences and boundary conditions of organizational justice climate. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(3), 776-791.

Bernerth, J., Walker, H., Taylor, S., and Whitman, D. S. (2012). An empirical investigation of dispositional antecedents and performance-related outcomes of credit scores. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(2), 469-478.

Van Rooy, D. L., Whitman, D. S., Hart, D., and Caleo, S. (2011). Measuring employee engagement during an economic downturn: Necessity or nuisance. Journal of Business and Psychology, 26, 147-152.

Thomas, J., Whitman, D. S., and Viswesvaran, C. (2010). An integrative meta-analysis of constructs that reflect a global proactive orientation. Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology, 83, 275-300.

Van Rooy, D. L., Whitman, D. S., and Viswesvaran, C. (2010). Emotional intelligence: Some questions still unanswered. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 3, 149-153.

Whitman, D. S., Van Rooy, D. L., and Viswesvaran, C. (2010). Satisfaction, citizenship behaviors, and performance in work units: A meta-analysis of collective construct relations. Personnel Psychology, 63, 41-81.

Whitman, D. S., Van Rooy, D. L., Viswesvaran, C., and Kraus, E. (2009). Testing the structure and measurement equivalence of the Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale across gender and ethnicity. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 69, 1059-1074.

Resick, C. J., Whitman, D. S., Weingarden, S. M., and Hiller, N. J. (2009). The bright-side and dark-side of executive ego: Examining CEO personality, transformational leadership, and strategic influence. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94, 1365-1381.

Whitman, D. S., Van Rooy, D. L., Viswesvaran, C., and Alonso, A. (2008). The susceptibility of a mixed model measure of emotional intelligence to faking: A Solomon four-group design. Psychology Science, 50, 44-63.


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