Faculty Candidate Seminar: Differentially Private Heavy Hitter Estimation: Challenge and Solution
February 6, 2017
Dr. Zhan Qin, State University of New York at Buffalo
February 8, 2017 3:00 to 4:00 pm, 145/149 EE Building
Refreshment starting at 2:30 pm
In privacy-preserving data collection, each user perturbs her data locally before
sending the noisy data to a data collector. The latter then analyzes the data to obtain
useful statistics. Unlike the setting of well-known differential privacy, in Local
Differential Privacy (LDP) the data collector never gains access to the exact values
of sensitive data, which protects not only the privacy of data contributors but also
the collector itself against the risk of potential data leakage. Existing LDP solutions
in the literature are mostly limited to the case that each user possesses a duple of
numeric or categorical values, and the data collector computes basic statistics such
as counts or mean values. No existing work tackles more complex data mining tasks
such as heavy hitter discovery over set-valued data. In this talk, I will introduce
the challenges of heavy hitter mining under LDP, then present my recent work LDPMiner,
a two-phase mechanism for obtaining accurate heavy hitters with LDP. In addition,
my previous works on secure cloud computing and other ongoing research projects will
also be briefly introduced.
Zhan Qin is a PhD candidate in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering
at State University of New York at Buffalo. Zhan's research enables privacy-preserving
data collection, computation and publication. He explores and develops novel security
sensitive algorithms and protocols for computation and communication on IoT devices.
He was named the Best Graduate Research Award in CSE for 2016 by the Department of
CSE at the University at Buffalo.