Office: 3261D PFT
(225) 578-5915
Keith A. Gonthier
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Nader Sabbaghian Professorship in Mechanical Engineering
PhD, University of Notre Dame (1996)
Shock physics • detonation • multiphase compressible flow • computational mechanics.
Biographical Sketch
Keith Gonthier is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Louisiana State University (LSU). He received a BS degree in biochemistry from LSU in 1988, a BS degree in aerospace engineering from Auburn University in 1990, and a PhD degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Notre Dame in 1997. Prior to joining the faculty at LSU in 2001, he was a postdoctoral research associate in high-explosive physics at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Lamar University. Since joining LSU, Professor Gonthier has been a visiting scientist with LANL, and a faculty fellow, visiting scientist, and senior research associate with the Munitions Directorate of the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory at Eglin AFB. His expertise is in the theory, modeling, and computation of gas phase and multiphase detonation, multiscale modeling and simulation of shock waves in heterogeneous solids, and modeling and simulation of explosively and pyrotechnically actuated devices. He is a Senior Member of AIAA and serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Propulsion and Power.
Key Publications
- Poynot, W. J., Gonthier, K. A., and Dunham, M. E., 2020, “Classification of Laryngotracheal Stenosis in Children based on Computational Aerodynamics,” Journal of Biomechanics, 104, 109752 (doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2020.109752)
- Chakravarthy, S. N., and Gonthier, K. A., 2016, “Analysis of Microstructure-Dependent Shock Dissipation and Hot-Spot Formation in Granular Metalized Explosive,” Journal of Applied Physics, 120(2):024901 (doi: 10.1063/1.4956302)
- Rao, P. T., Gonthier, K. A., and Chakravarthy, S., 2016, “Compaction Shock Dissipation in Low Density Granular Explosive,” Journal of Applied Physics, 119(22):224904 (doi: 10.1063/1.4953650)
- Crochet, M. W., and Gonthier, K. A., 2015, “A Multi-Phase Theory for the Detonation of Granular Explosives Containing an Arbitrary Number of Solid Components,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 77:76-89 (doi: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2015.08.004)
- Panchadhar, R., and Gonthier, K. A.}, 2010, “Mesoscale Analysis of Volumetric and Surface Dissipation in Granular Explosive Induced by Uniaxial Deformation Waves,” Shock Waves, 21(1):43-61 (doi: 10.1007/s00193-010-0287-6)