Services & Limitations
University Ombuds Office Services
Scope of Services
The LSU University Ombuds Office is a system-wide office, serving all LSU campuses, including both Health Science Centers and Pennington, and all employees and all students.
Sounding Board
The Ombuds can listen to your questions and concerns, and advise you on steps to resolve the problem informally.
Develop Options
A review of your situation by a neutral party can help identify and evaluate a range of options to address the issue or conflict.
Communication Strategies
The Ombuds can provide guidance identifying the best strategy for opening a dialogue without inflaming an already difficult situation.
Policy Assistance
The Ombuds can offer information about University policies, procedures, and programs, as well as, make recommendations for review of policies or procedures to appropriate bodies.
Correspondence Review
The Ombuds can review draft correspondence and assist with conveying your message in a professional manner.
Facilitation or Mediation
As a neutral party, the Ombuds can work for collaborative agreements through negotiation or mediation.
Shuttle Diplomacy
The Ombuds can communicate individually between parties to help resolve a conflict.
Resource and Referral Information
The Ombuds can help you find organizations – both on and off campus – that provide you with the assistance or service that you need.
University Ombuds Office Limitations
Not an Agent of Notice
Because communication with the University Ombuds Office is confidential, any information shared with the Ombuds Office does not constitute notice of any claims to LSU.
Not a Mandatory Reporter
The LSU University Ombuds Office is a LSU designated confidential space, and, as such, the Ombuds practicioners are NOT mandatory reporters under LSU policies including, but not limited to PM 73; Titles II, VI, VII, IX; and PM 55.
Does Not Participate in Formal Processes
The University Ombuds Office is a resource for informal dispute resolution. The Ombuds does not make decisions, findings of fact, or determine the “guilt” or “innocence” of those accused of wrongdoing. If you decide you want to use a formal dispute process like a grievance or an appeal, the Ombuds will refer you to other offices that handle those processes.
Not a Personal Advocate
The Ombuds is always neutral and cannot serve as an advocate for any individual or group.
No Legal Advice or Mental Health Counseling
If your situation involves legal rights and remedies, the Ombuds can alert you about possible resources, but cannot provide any legal advice. Likewise, visitors who may benefit from counseling will be referred to other resources for assistance in that area.
Will Not Testify
The University Ombuds Office does not participate or testify in formal proceedings about specific matters.
No Policy Authority
The Ombuds cannot establish, change, or set aside policies or administrative decisions.